
Top complaints from IT professionals about selection processes

Top complaints from IT professionals about selection processes

The shortage of IT candidates is one of the problems facing companies today. With the rise of new technologies it is very important for businesses to digitize quickly, which makes it very necessary to find the ideal candidate.

Organizations should treat these digital profiles as well as they treat their customers; they need them and need to attract, capture and recruit them. But this is not easy, which is why it is often recommended to outsource IT candidate selection processes. If you want to know more about what is the ideal time to outsource HR you can not miss our post How to know that the time has come to outsource your recruitment

But, externalize or not, it is advisable to learn from mistakes and correct certain habits that could prevent you from finding the technological talent you need. Therefore, in today’s post we solve the following question: What do IT professionals complain about?

Top complaints from IT professionals

  1. Ignorance on the part of companies:
New technology professionals often complain about the lack of knowledge of the companies that are launching into the search for technical profiles, without knowing or understanding what they need. This often results in excessively restrictive experience requirements.

  1. Not very attractive tests:
If you are looking for a new technology professional, keep in mind that candidates can judge your company by the type of evaluation tests you use. In general, they do not like the standard tests used in general.

  1. Endless trials:
Many companies design endless tests to evaluate technological talent. Professionals in the sector experience these tests as a nightmare and end up investing efforts only in a single selection process, discarding the rest.

  1. Lack of feedback:
Technical profiles often complain of lack of feedback in the selection processes. Sometimes they are warned at the beginning that they will not be explained in what they have failed a test or why they have been discarded.
TalentFY can give you advice to make your Job Description attractive and help you capture the best IT talent. If you want to know more do not hesitate to read our post Why find talent through TalentFY?
And how do you manage to capture the technological profiles?
Have you made these mistakes in any of your selection processes?

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