

Top 5 IT profiles

Top 5 IT profiles

Developers are the most in-demand professionals in IT profiles It is no longer a surprise that organizations invest in the digitization of their processes or in the creation of new online business lines, which require them to find profiles for their IT positions. In fact, according to the projection of ManpowerGroup these profiles will increase by 50% during this year. Likewise, the salaries of this sector are very attractive. According to our latest salary guide, the best-paid positions in the IT sector are Backend Node JS and Phyton, Frontend React-Redux and Angular and Full Stack Python + JS. While the above charges are the best payouts, we’ve looked at offers from the first quarter of 2022 to find the most demanded IT positions by organizations. A blueprint of how the IT market is moving. Developer .NET Managers of the world . NET, that is of the platform of development of open source. It has the responsibility to create solutions focused on the improvement of the organization’s software according to internal needs. They are also key profiles to support the web developments generated by the company. Backend Developer This position makes all the magic behind the scenes, is responsible for developing the structure and logic of websites and implementing it so that all actions within the web work perfectly. The person in this position also supports functions of other tech team members such as frontend, cybersecurity, mobile, among others. Frontend Developer Here are the translators of the IT world, this position is responsible for translating all the design hosted on the web into HTML, CSS and JavaScript codes so that the user can interact with the web without any problem. The person in this position must have the vision from the client to achieve adapt the web language to the customer experience. Full stack – PHP Javascript Fullstack developers are multitasking charges, which have under their responsibility various functions. Those who work with PHP Javascript are responsible for developing back-end applications as well as creating servers and databases that are a guarantee of the good functionality of web applications. Fullstack expert in voIP VoIP technology (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology allows voice calls over the network without relying on telephone signal antennas but on internet coverage. The process in general terms is the transformation of the voice message to data to pass it to another device and make it audible to the receiver. This profile is mainly responsible for the design, development and maintenance of voice solutions, additionally can help develop CRM and call center solutions for communication platforms by text, voice or video channels. This profile is mainly responsible for the design, development and maintenance of voice solutions, additionally can help develop CRM and call center solutions for communication platforms by text, voice or video channels. Try TalentFY in a Live Demo Try our recruiting platform without compromise. And if it doesn’t work for you, YOU DON’T PAY No small print. Schedule Demo Join our News Subscribe and receive our most exclusive content and news every month directly in your inbox.

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