

the most sought-after option

Working from home on the Internet, the most sought-after option

Raise your hand if you have attended virtual office meetings in pajamas. So have we! In fact, working from home over the Internet is the most sought-after option today. But, beyond the joke or the reality of attending meetings in pajamas, we tell you the advantages for the company and for workers by having this work option. Without a doubt, one of the trends that the pandemic left us was working from home. In most of the digital sectors it had to be implemented and in most it came to stay. Currently, the option of working from home is one of the most decisive requirements when changing jobs, as stated in the latest study by consultant Robert Walts: 52% of workers consider it relevant. With the containment of the pandemic, telework from home over the Internet has also changed and we went from being in home office every day to moving to a hybrid model. According to the latest report of the National Observatory of Technology and Society (ONTSI) in the last quarter of 2021 the percentage of employees who worked more than half of the days from home was 8%, while in the previous quarter it was more than 9% so the hybrid model is consolidating. This new way of working in most workers, and especially in digital profiles, is becoming as important as the salary when choosing a company.   Advantages of teleworking from home via Internet For workers Time saving Avoiding traffic jams or public transportation delays is a great relief that allows employees to better manage their personal and family time. This reduces stress and also improves punctuality, additionally translates into economic savings in this daily expense. Work autonomy Working from home makes the collaborator organize his work plan autonomously, with no one watching him. This also generates motivation and empowerment, and is based on the relationship of trust that the company creates with its workers. Increased productivity Saving time and working autonomy make working from home more comfortable and workers have greater concentration, translating into an improvement in their productivity.   For companies Cost reduction The fixed costs associated with the physical facilities of the company will be reduced. Even so, the organization you should consider financial support to make sure your team has everything you need to work from home. Reduction of absences from work With greater flexibility of time, the work will no longer be counted in how many hours the worker has covered in the office. It will move to a model of compliance with objectives and commitments with the company, so that work absences are minimized and the worker can improve the reconciliation of their family and work life. Talent diversification The possibility of having employees remotely, from anywhere in the world, enriches the multiculturalism and the professional quality of work teams. Additionally, this allows you to connect with new markets without having a physical office on the site of interest. Without a doubt, we can say that working from home on the Internet has become a trend increasingly valued and requested by workers. The saving of time and costs, the increase in the achievement of objectives, family reconciliation, autonomy and trust make this process an essential form of work for organizations. Prueba TalentFY en acción Prueba nuestra plataforma de recruiting sin compromiso. Y si no te sirve, NO PAGAS. Sin letra pequeña. Agendar Demo Únete a nuestra News Suscríbete y recibe quincenalmente nuestros contenidos y novedades más exclusivas directamente en tu bandeja de entrada.

disadvantages of teleworking and solutions

Disadvantages of Teleworking (and solutions)

Teleworking is one of the most important legacies left by the pandemic at the labor level and, in general, one of the most valued elements by workers when it comes to choosing one job offer or another. And yes, there are drawbacks to telecommuting despite the extreme convenience of working from home. What happens is that there are certain aspects that are not usually taken into account until they start to weigh on your day-to-day life. It may seem strange to read such statements, considering that teleworking has made such a big, and for many, such a positive change in work routine and preference. However, it doesn’t take much digging to detect a series of shortcomings at both the individual and company level and, therefore, a list of teleworking disadvantages that you may not have noticed. It should be noted that each item on the list acts separately and that each worker, team or company is affected in a different way for each of them. With this, we can now move on to the most common work inconveniences: Disadvantages of teleworking At the individual level: The feeling of loneliness and exclusion end up weighing on all those who consider human contact to be fundamental. Loss of relationships and work environment. The relationship with your colleagues, the bonding and the team feeling is something that is almost entirely lost when applying total teleworking. This also means that the essence of the company is practically lost. Decrease in productivity. Although in the long run it may become the ideal place, your home is not designed to be your workplace and that can end up being very noticeable. If there are more people or distractions at home (children, animals…), or if you simply have elements that can distract you from your functions, these are occasions when your productivity will be reduced. Difficulties to work in a team. It is not impossible to do so, but teleworking creates very obvious barriers to teamwork. There are many tools that facilitate communication, but personal contact is very difficult to replace in a solid way. Less learning. It is precisely personal contact that generates faster learning among team members. Decrease in motivation linked to the lack of positive stimuli in day-to-day work from peers and leaders. Feeling of always being at work because you cannot differentiate your place of work from your place of leisure or rest. Meet TalentFY At the corporate level: Emotional disengagement with the company caused by this loss of close contact with the company (office) and colleagues (team). Loss of relationships and work environment. Having a good atmosphere in the office and a united team is a great asset for companies. This asset can be quite affected if the teleworking situation and the loss of contact with the worker and between workers is extended for a long time. Effort to adapt the company’s culture and organization . In order to face a new way of operating and communicating, the company must study and implement new methodologies to replace the previous ones. Investment of time and resources. Linked to the previous point, it is not only a planning effort, but also the time and resources that the company will have to allocate to the implementation of the new methodologies. With all the drawbacks that we have mentioned, it would only remain to mention some solutions that can put an end, if not all, to many of these problems. We have considered the following to be the most valuable: Solutions If you have an office: Hybrid Work Model. If you have an office and your team is interested in telecommuting, hybrid work is probably an option to consider. It is a combination of both modalities (teleworking and face-to-face work) and, in addition, it offers several possibilities. On the one hand, there is the possibility of having one part of the team in the office and the other teleworking permanently. On the other hand, there is the option for workers to rotate throughout the week (or month). For example, many companies are implementing the 3×2 weekly format (3 days in the office and 2 days teleworking). If you do not have an office: Coworking. The Coworking solution is ideal, especially for freelancers, freelancers, SMEs and startups. These are very economical collaborative spaces that also offer flexibility both in terms of prices and the use of their own facilities, creating an adaptability that is as evident as it is necessary for their users. They can make a workspace their own while sharing common spaces, meeting rooms, etc., thus facilitating respect for the work of others and the creation of relationships, links and synergies between different professionals. To learn more about the industry and the solution offered, we had the opportunity to speak directly with CREC Coworking. Present in Barcelona and Sabadell, with a large community and a very personalized treatment to its users, CREC Coworking has been able to adapt to the new situation to continue increasing its community and providing all the spaces and services that a professional needs. “Remote work has become increasingly common, but that’s not the best solution for everyone,” highlights one of its Community Builders. “It’s very important to have a place to work and just work, without the distractions of home and having the ability to separate your personal life from your work life.” In addition, “an important point is that you don’t have to worry about costs, supplies, cleaning…”. And finally, emphasizing freelancers and self-employed, they highlight the fact that “you will always give a better image if you have your own work area in case you have to hold meetings or events”. Yes, the convenience of working from home is undeniable, but to what extent? And you, are you already teleworking? Would you rather have your own workspace than work from home? Do you agree with the disadvantages of teleworking that we have mentioned? We are listening! Try TalentFY in a Live Demo Try our recruiting platform without compromise.

The best tools for teleworking

The best tools for teleworking

Just as last week we looked at how to lead a remote team, this week we want to bring you some of the tools for teleworking that you should consider implementing in your day-to-day work. The current situation has taught us that the option of working from home is not a negative thing. In fact, by applying it with the right tools, it can even increase employee satisfaction and productivity. That is why we have prepared a list of the best tools for teleworking. We have also organized them according to their field of influence or the task they perform. In this sense, we have tools to improve Communication, Organization, File Storage, Password Management and Management. Teleworking tools Communication Slack. This is one of the best tools for teleworking, as far as communication is concerned. It allows you to maintain fluid communication between colleagues, departments, work teams… You have the option of opening different channels according to the subject of each one of them, create private groups with the colleagues you want and open direct chats. This way you can cover a large part of your internal communication. Another very good option, and very similar, is Microsoft Teams. Skype / Google Meet / Zoom. If you want to humanize, liven up and speed up communication, there is nothing better than seeing and listening to the other person. So, for occasions when those details are a must, these three options are three of the best solutions. Organization Trello. Undoubtedly, a very effective teleworking tool to organize and prioritize tasks and projects. In addition, it allows the participants of each project to see the status and progress of each one of them. Another very similar option is Asana. Toggl. Working from home can break the habit and work times that the office provides. However, Toggl allows us to mark the start and end of each of our daily tasks, allowing us to set routines and times for each of our responsibilities. Sesame. Unlike Toggl, which allows each employee to control his or her own schedule, Sesame is a telecommuting tool for managers. Allows to control the schedule and location of each worker. In this way, despite being teleworking, the employee must comply with his or her schedule and do it from where it is his or her turn (home). Time and attendance systems, overtime management, shift management… a blessing for controllers and the HR department. Storage Google drive / Dropbox. These two tools are great file sharing solutions. By sharing them in the cloud, they do not take up space on the devices and, in addition, they can be shared in a common space that can be accessed by all interested parties at the same time. In the case of Google drive, as long as the document is editable, users can modify it in real time and also at the same time. WeTransfer is also a very interesting option if you want to share very large files. Passwords Dashlane / Lastpass / Keeper. These 3 tools are the most prominent in terms of password management. Their differences are minimal, as they all focus on password security and password storage. We invite you to take a look at them so that, according to your needs, you can choose the one that best suits you. Do you need an IT profile? Management Loomio. It is a very useful teleworking tool for decision making. On this platform it is possible to create debates in which each invited user can give their point of view, vote or abstain without having to be present at the same time, as it allows flexible schedules to adapt to each one’s schedule. If you are trying to agree to plan an event or meeting, Doodle is a very good option. TINYpulse. It is also important to have team management tools, and that is why TINYpulse is presented, a software that helps to measure employee satisfaction through surveys that will allow you to know the state of your team at a time when labor relations have changed a lot in a very short time. Which of these tools do you use? Do you think there are any others that are even more useful? Let us know in the comments! Try TalentFY in a Live Demo Try our recruiting platform without compromise. And if it doesn’t work for you, YOU DON’T PAY No small print. Schedule Demo Join our News Subscribe and receive our most exclusive content and news every month directly in your inbox.

How to lead a remote team

How to lead a remote team

Very rapid changes, unpredictable situations, constantly new challenges, adapting to unfamiliar environments… 2020 started and ended like this, and 2021 is on the same path; but we are no longer caught so unprepared. It must be clear that the changes are not only at the corporate level. On a personal level, each employee has his or her own struggle and adaptation process, and even more so if overnight you have to learn to lead a remote team: not an easy task that we will try to help you with in this article. Faced with one of the greatest historical changes in the social and work environment, it is necessary to know how to deal with certain situations that may surprise you or, at least, make your day-to-day life difficult. So, we want to share with you some of the keys to lead a remote team. Complete your IT team! 6 points to lead a remote team Using technology. Undoubtedly, the basic point of your strategy is this. You must be open to new ways of communicating and working. Slack, Teams, Trello, Loomio, Toggl, Google Meet… you have plenty of options to optimize your team’s communication and organization. Facilitate feedback channels. Telecommuting is not the end of communication, far from it! There are many tools that can make life easier, even at a face-to-face level, to generate channels that allow employees to give feedback at any time and on any topic. This aspect is very important for leading a remote team. If you cannot deal with them or see them on a day-to-day basis, you must be aware of their needs and opinions. Clear and fluent communication. Linked to the previous point, this aspect consists of taking advantage of the spaces that have been provided, but also in generating constant and transparent communication with all the necessary tools. Depending on the type of formality or fluidity you are looking for in each case, you can use email, send messages via Slack or call a meeting with Google Meet. You decide, but do it! Find your IT team! Individual and collective spaces. It is important that there are channels to receive and share feedback in order to lead a remote team, but we must also make it clear that we are open to both group and individual communication channels. It will be important for the team to feel that they can count on us at a multichannel level according to the needs of each moment. Not only that, but they must feel comfortable to do so; in other words: create bonds with your team. Build trust and delegate. It is clear that we need to build trust with the team. Employees should know that they can talk to you openly without holding back any concerns. However, one aspect that is not always taken into account is the motivation it gives the employee to notice that trust is bidirectional. Delegating responsibilities is also a great confidence builder. You should not only tell them “you can count on me”, but also “I am counting on you”. This is the moment when you will start to consolidate your team. Empathy. As the person in charge of a work team, you must know how to put yourself in the shoes of each of your team members. The current situation is a direct cause of many emotional instabilities, frustrations and changes to which not everyone adapts at the same pace. That is why, in order to start leading a remote team, you must be clear that the emotional aspects are NOT outside the workday. And you, do you already apply these actions in your team? Do you think it is difficult to lead a remote team or are you not finding it as hard as you expected? We are listening! Try TalentFY in a Live Demo Try our recruiting platform without compromise. And if it doesn’t work for you, YOU DON’T PAY No small print. Schedule Demo Join our News Subscribe and receive our most exclusive content and news every month directly in your inbox.

Remote work benefits

Remote work: benefits for you and your employees

Remote work is a very effective work trend for companies and very attractive for employees, so it is not surprising that it is increasingly implemented in companies around the world. At present, and especially because of the advent of COVID-19, this way of working has become a reality for many employees in Spain. But, although the arrival of the COVID-19 has marked a before and after in relation to remote work, this way of working brings a list of benefits that facilitate the organization of both the employee and the company. It should be noted that it is not always possible to practice it, not all jobs or all people can perform their tasks remotely, but many of them can, and the option of choosing teleworking should be considered whenever possible. It is estimated that more than 40% of the work performed in companies can be done remotely. But all this is best seen with data, so here are the 4 most important benefits of implementing remote work for you and your employees: Increased productivity: 85% of companies say that productivity has increased because of the greater labor flexibility thatr remote work brings. Improved work/life balance: 75% of employees who are working remotely say that working externally has improved their work/life balance. Stress reduction: 40% of teleworkers say they are usually “not stressed” during a normal workday. Improved employee morale and reduced turnover: Fifty-seven percent of employers say telework flexibility has improved morale and reduced turnover. In this article we discuss and develop the main advantages of implementing remote work for your business and your employees. Technological improvements One of the main reasons for the growth of this new work model is that nowadays both companies and employees have the necessary technological tools to carry out their tasks online and remotely. In this regard, internal communication tools, online collaboration platforms and social networks, which facilitate communication among employees, must be taken into account. Among them, from TalentFY We want to highlight Slack, which allows fluid communication with other colleagues and creates a feeling of proximity and Team Spirit; Google Drive, which allows several people to work on the same document; and Google Meet, ideal for conferences and meetings, and/or to deal with topics that are more complicated to work on via written message. Reconciliation The increase in telecommuting in Spain and the rest of the world is also closely related to the demands of workers, who are demanding solutions that allow them to better reconcile their work and family life. Responding to these pleas from workers, many companies have decided to allow their employees to work from home. This makes it easier for the employee to organize his day, not only with his work tasks, but also with his personal tasks and activities. Consequently, you will make your employees happier and feel freer, the 8-hour working day is over, if one of your employees is better off working from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm and then take a 2-hour break because he wants to attend some training courses, and then reconnect from 4:00 pm to 9:00 pm, why can’t he do it? As long as your employee keeps to the hours he/she has to work per day/week, it is very positive that you give him/her the freedom to organize himself/herself, and telecommuting makes it very easy. Increased productivity As mentioned above, it is important to note that companies have realized that telecommuting increases employee productivity, you may ask: why? Among other things, because workers can dedicate more time to their tasks than they end up devoting to them when they are in the office. In addition, it avoids the constant interruptions that are quite common in offices and reduces time wasted in meetings. According to the latest INE data, telecommuting can increase productivity by 5 to 25%. Cost reduction for companies and employees Companies have also realized that teleworking can lead to considerable cost reductions, since a physical location is not necessary, or at least not as large. In addition, companies save on per diems and travel expenses. For their part, there are many workers who do not yet have this type of incentive, in these cases they can also save on commuting and, more importantly, on time. And we must not forget that a good part of the day is wasted on the way to and from work. Better attitude All these benefits that we have been discussing and developing translate into a better attitude of workers, who see how their working conditions improve, can take care of their families, reduce their stress levels and have more energy. Thus, employees tend to be more motivated and involved with the company. And you: have you started to implement telecommuting as a result of COVID-19 or had you already done it before? What positive aspects have you and your employees gained by starting to work remotely? Try TalentFY in a Live Demo Try our recruiting platform without compromise. And if it doesn’t work for you, YOU DON’T PAY No small print. Schedule Demo Join our News Subscribe and receive our most exclusive content and news every month directly in your inbox.