In previous posts we talked about the advantages of outsourcing the selection processes. Even so, there are certain preconceived beliefs that make some companies dare not take the step. For this reason, today we review and clarify the main myths and doubts that may arise when considering the outsourcing of this task.
Outsourcing will be very expensive
It is the most widespread myth, but although outsourcing may seem expensive at first, you should appreciate the fact that it will mean a saving of time and an increase in the quality of the talent hired.
External recruiters are highly specialized, they can find the ideal candidate for you and the quality of talent they find for your business will bring the value your team needs.

Outsourcing is a slow process
Outsourcing IT profiles is usually the most agile solution of all. The best IT profiles are usually passive candidates who don’t usually look at offers and much less apply to them. They are only accessed if they are known previously or have been thoroughly monitored. This is what recruiters do, which takes time and you don’t get a base of candidates overnight for many ads that are published.
Relying on outsourcing in Recruiters specialists will also allow you not to make false steps thanks to the advice during the process.

I will not get candidates according to the values of my business
This is a logical fear for someone who cares about finding a candidate who fits the company’s values and culture, but you should keep in mind that Recruiters are experts in business psychology and personnel analysis. For this reason, they have more resources to find your ideal candidate quickly and effectively.
Even so, to facilitate the work of Recruiters it is essential that there is good communication between them and the company, it is very important that you leave well established the characteristics of your ideal candidate and the values in which it should fit.

As you can see, the outsourcing of selection processes is a positive complement to any business. If you still don’t know if the time has come to step in and outsource your staff selection, don’t hesitate to read our previous post How to find quality candidates.
Have you decided to outsource recruitment? What positive aspects do you think it can bring to your business?
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