When we talk about recruitment on a large scale and in the shortest possible time, we mean mass recruitment. This technique is usually implemented by companies who need to fill a high number of vacancies and who do not have the time to carry out filters that are common in the selection processes.
What is mass recruitment?
Basically, it is a selection process performed by the human resources area of a company that may vary depending on the needs of the company and the conditions of the vacancy. Generally speaking, it is used to carry out the recruitment of many qualified candidates for the same vacancy.
Although it is not common to find many companies that implement this way of recruiting staff, it is the most efficient solution when it comes to incorporating the appropriate candidates for short periods of time. Reason why it is essential to execute it in the best possible way, so we recommend 5 strategies that can be very useful when recruiting massively:
5 strategies for mass recruitment:
1. Defining vacancies to be filled
To start this selection process it is essential to start by identifying and analyzing the needs of the vacancy, this will make it easier for you or your human resources team to filter candidates more quickly according to silver conditions. Once the offer is defined, just write it attractively and ready!

2. Use the digital portals!
The traffic that social media posts can generate today is completely massive. In fact, LinkedIn is one of the world’s largest job portals and is a social network.
Choose to post your vacancy on all social networks and on all job portals, thus increasing the probability of fulfilling the purpose of finding as many vacancies, in the shortest time possible. However, try to avoid duplicate resumes that can lead to a waste of time, which will be reflected in a delay in the fulfillment of objectives.
3. Ask multiple choice filter questions
One way to ease the way and see results in less time, starts from the basis of being clear that mass recruitment does not consist of conducting personalized interviews that take into account the candidates’ soft skills. On the contrary, this recruitment seeks to be based on the studies and technical or professional skills of the interested parties.
The recommendation from TalentFY is: target filters that allow you to know what you are interested in specifically and Run surveys or multiple-choice forms that give you metrics. Once you interpret the results, selecting the best ones will be easier.
4. Job fairs
Attending job fairs is always a good idea, especially if it’s about expanding your business. It is important that you report on the main fairs related to your sector and consider participation not only to promote your vacancies, but also to publicize your company.
These events, depending on the type of fair you sign up for, can also expand your network of contacts and help you achieve your goals.
5. Outsourcing the process
In case you don’t have enough time to implement these mass recruitment strategies or find it difficult to find the best candidates in a short period of time, your best option is to outsource the process.
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