Throughout time, there have been many anonymous women who have carried out technological and scientific studies, contributing great ideas in their respective jobs and no one has ever recognized them, simply because they are women.
In fact, only 23% of the people working in the ICT sector are women, only 23% of people working in the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) sector are women.. Experts say that the first steps to raise this figure are in education, as the proportion of women enrolled in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) careers is only 12% in Spain. (Statista, 2020).
At this point, one may wonder why we would want to increase the number of women in the technology sector. There are several reasons for this, since the fact that there are more women than there are now provides different advantages in companies. And in a world that increasingly demands diversity and inclusion, the role played by women in companies is essential.
We have a fairly accurate perception
During the month of September we interviewed 23 people, chosen at random, to get their views on the role of women in technology. Several conclusions can be drawn from these interviews:
Most people are aware that men have a greater presence than women in the technology sectors. On average, respondents said they believed that the proportion of female workers in the ICT sector was 24.75%. And nothing could be further from the truth, as the figure at the end of 2020 stood at 23%.
On the other hand, when asked if they thought there were any important factors influencing the future of men and women in the ICT sectors, many of them agreed on something we mentioned above: the importance of the education of these people, especially when they were boys and girls. This is a fundamental aspect, as education has an influence on all of us, especially in the earliest stages of our lives, and may be biasing us in our future decision making, causing the proportion of boys who end up in the technology sector to be higher than that of girls. As one of the interviewees commented, one example is the toys offered to children from an early age, since parents are the ones who decide what their children play with, instead of giving them a choice among all the possibilities, thus reducing the variety of alternatives to choose from.

Where are we heading?
All of us have a fairly accurate overview of the proportion of women working in the ICT sectors, the differences and difficulties they have compared to men, the importance of education and the positive changes that have occurred in education, etc. Therefore, we have solved the first step towards greater inclusion and diversity in companies. Even so, the figures still have some way to go.

Are we heading in the right direction and it’s all a matter of time?
Do we need to implement any other changes in any particular area?
We look forward to reading your feedback!
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