Frequent questions
Here you can see some solved doubts about our platform. We continue to work to offer you a better usability of our platform. Therefore, your feedback and questions are totally welcome, as they contribute positively to this improvement.
How to post a position?

- You will have two yellow buttons to raise a new position: one on the top left and one on the position cards.
- By clicking on it you will get a form where you will find mandatory fields that will give the key information to recruiters to find the ideal candidate you are looking for.
- If you have any doubts, do not fret, in each field you will have a guide text.
- Remember, after saving to readband accept the use of conditions to post your position.
- You will see that a new card will be added with your new position.
- In approximately 24 hours our AI will start showing you candidate options.
How do I manage the candidates the recruiters send me?

- To access, click on ‘Manage’ the purple button on the position card.
- There you will find candidates with hidden data and blind CV. This is so that the valuation is fair.
- You can also view and download the recruiter’s report, as well as ask questions.
- From there you can accept the candidate and arrange the interview at that time or later
- If, on the other hand, you reject the candidate, a popup will be opened so that you give your reasons for rejection.
- Accepted candidates are placed on the Candidates in Process page and rejected candidates are placed on the Candidates in Process page.
How do I manage the selection process?

On the candidates in processes page you can:
- Order candidates by the stage in which they are, by valuation, by salary expectations or by the date of increase.
- See the card of each candidate with their name, complete CV, report of the recruiter, the phase in which it is, the history of the selection process and its assessment.
- Download the above information.
- You can contact the recruiter.
- Enter the calendar to schedule interviews.
- Launch offer and reject candidate.
Where can I see candidates hired or rejected in a position?

- From the Candidates in Process page you will find in the upper right the button of Contracted and Rejected.
- You will be able to see the candidates you have rejected with the date, the last phase they reached and the option to return it to a phase of the current process.
- Hired candidates will appear to you with the word ‘hired’ in green and the hiring date.
How to launch an offer to a candidate?

- From the Candidates in Process page you can click on the button ‘Launch Offer’ in the candidate’s profile.
- You’ll pop up for you to add the gross salary, variable and equity (in case you have it).
- Then he will ask you the platform if you want to continue hiring in that position or if, accept the candidate, you would close the process.
- So you will appear confirmation that the offer was launched with the date in green.
Why can’t I see a candidate’s personal data?
Because this makes the assessment more equitable, taking into account experience and training.
How do I get a candidate of my own on the platform?

- From the Candidates in Process page you can add it in the button with the circle image and the plus symbol, located in the upper right.
- You will see a form with all the necessary information to add your own candidate.
- After saving, you will see the candidate next to the others you are already reviewing.
How do I get help inside the platform?

You can consult us in two ways:
- Contacting the assigned HR from the ‘ Your HR Advisor’ button on the top menu of the homepage.
- From the button with the question mark on the top menu of the home page.
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