
Prepare the arrival of a vacancy beforehand

Prepare the arrival of a vacancy beforehand

Employer Branding

Employer Branding: is the image that a company has as an employer. This is an aspect that should be worked on before you have the need to hire staff.

  1. Define a strategy and be transparent in spreading the company culture, this will help you meet the expectations of new employees.

  2. Knowing what your workers think will help you align reality with your policy.

  3. Taking care of the experience of your new employees will greatly facilitate the success in onboarding of the new employee.

  4. Opening your doors to diverse talent will allow you to have a team made up of people of cultural, generational and gender diversity who, in turn, will give you a greater facility to attract talent.

  5. Creating your own job page will open a gateway to receiving candidates who are in line with company values.

Great companies have one thing in common: they have great teams that have made them grow and progress. However, getting a great team of people who know how to complement each other is not easy. If you’re wondering why it’s so important to do a good talent search here’s the answer:

  • Profiles for qualified positions are difficult to find and in demand.

  • Recruitment is often a time-consuming task.

  • Finding the ideal candidate doesn’t just depend on the company.

In today’s post we will show you the necessary keys for you to prepare before the urgency of filling a vacancy arrives:

Planning for future recruitment

An adequate projection of your recruitment will help you to have room to face and solve any unforeseen event.

  1. Analyze the present to predict the future: examine the strengths and shortcomings of your team, try to detect what are the patterns that lead to success.

  2. Training employees: Training and development plans are crucial to retain talent that fits the needs of the company.

  3. Create succession plans: identifies key positions in the organizational chart and identifies which employees have the potential to perform the position positively

  4. Determine what kind of employees you’ll need in the future: Find areas where it’s convenient to expand your staff and identify what types of profiles will give you better performance.

If you have found these keys useful to prepare before the arrival of a vacancy to fill, I recommend you read our next post Tricks to improve the search for your ideal IT candidate, where we present the steps to follow when having a vacancy.

And you: How do you prepare for the possible arrival of a vacancy to fill? How do you work Employer Branding?

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