
How to improve the relationship with your recruiter

How to improve the relationship with your recruiter

When a company contacts an external recruiter there may be cases where the search for the ideal candidate is slowed down. In this article you will find tips on how to avoid problems between recruiter and employers, so as not to get to this situation, and in extreme case be able to leave it in the shortest possible time.

1. Trust and transparency in communication

Once you’ve chosen to hire a recruiter, keep in mind that this can also help you analyze your need to find your ideal candidate. To do this you must be transparent about your requirements, do not omit details in the profile description, this will only re-read the analysis process.

If you want more information on how to properly communicate with your recruiter, you can visit our article 4 Keys to get on with your Recruiter.

2. Be clear about your incorporation needs

It is not advisable to mislead the recruiter by constantly modifying the characteristics of your ideal candidate. As far as possible, identify your needs, share them with the recruiter at the beginning of the process and change as little as possible. Anyway, this does not mean that no change can be made, sometimes you do not know what you need until you find it. Changing the profile too much may imply that finding this position is not as relevant to the company.

Remember that poor management of this point burn both recruiters and candidates and impact employee branding towards third parties.

3. Avoid losing candidates

It is highly advisable to interview your candidates once you validate their profile. The recruiter should be able to receive the most feedback as quickly as possible to correct profile requirements based on your feedback. In addition, he would appreciate an appreciation of his work and a rapid reaction.

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