While some companies hire human resources teams to fill specific positions, others use headhunters in Madrid to find the best talent for specific positions.
Headhunters in Madrid usually work in a specific sector or market, and may let job candidates approach them directly.
Madrid is one of the cities in Spain with the highest employability rate; according to the latest Active Population Survey (EPA), the Community of Madrid has an employment rate of 56.33%.56,33%the highest in the country.
Thus, the work of headhunters is intensified in this region of the country, especially if they are specialized profiles that are not easy to access.
That is why in this blog we want to tell you some characteristics of headhunters in Madrid.

Characteristics of headhunters in Madrid
The main mission of headhunters in Madrid and in Spain is to find the specialized profiles that companies need.
Among its main features and functions are:
- These recruiters handle the initial hiring process, and can also help companies hire several employees at once.
- In addition, headhunters can offer their clients the possibility of selecting candidates based on their online profiles.
- Many headhunters charge a commission, a percentage of the first year’s salary, although it will depend on your individual case.
- As headhunters in Madrid usually work in specialized sectors, they have a great knowledge of the labor market.
- These professionals spend entire days searching for the perfect candidates and matching them with companies.
- Because they know which companies have the best candidates, they can fill positions quickly.
At TalentFY our headhunters are our recruiters, professionals who specialize in digital profiles in the IT and Digital Marketing sector.
According to their specialty, they are chosen by our platform to find the best talent for companies.
In addition to the above, TalentFY’s platform and team of HR advisors help organizations complete their entire recruitment process from one place.
In conclusion, we see how These professionals are valuable to companies with limited resources that cannot afford to hire employees on their own. This ensures that they do not waste their time searching for candidates.
Likewise, working with headhunters is a guarantee that the profiles presented will have a high percentage of eligibility.
This is due to the fact that they have been selected according to the needs of the company, taking care not only of the technical details but also of behavior in relation to the organizational culture.
Come to TalentFY if you are looking for talent, we are your headhunters in Madrid.
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