
How does Facebook get the best candidates

How does Facebook get the best candidates?

With nearly 2 billion active users, Facebook is the most important social network on the planet. It is a gear of technology and innovation that attributes success to its human team. But with more than 13,000 employees spread over 65 countries, how does the Internet giant manage to select the best talent?

As in any other company, the answer lies in a good recruitment policy and strategies to capture and maintain talent. In today’s post we focus on how we can benefit from Facebook’s recruitment policy, we will see the 7 pillars of Facebook in staff selection.

1) All at once

This is the sine qua non for working on Facebook. In fact, its founder Mark Zuckerberg said at the 2015 Mobil World Congress that “Facebook is not a company for everyone” and that they are looking for people whose values are aligned with those of the company.

The Internet giant wants employees with a high creative capacity, willing to take risks and open to accept and share new ideas in collaboration with their peers. But the most important thing to work on Facebook is share the common goal: increase connectivity on the planet and that the 5 billion people who are not yet registered on Facebook become part of the social network.

Bussiness Insider interviewed Facebook recruiting director Miranda Kalinowski who stated that they seek to give recruiting the same approach they give to the design of the product and service they offer, adding that “this explains the importance we give to connection. We want to connect deeply with our candidates in the recruitment process”.

2) Diversity

Like most tech companies, Facebook is working to increase diversity among its employees. This sector, traditionally dominated by the presence of men, has taken good note of the Harvard Business Review. According to this study, companies with more diverse workforce increase their growth chances by 45.

In the case of Facebook, 70% of its employees are white or Asian men. They are therefore investing a great deal of resources in the diversity that exists among its customers is also reflected among its employees. In this way it wants to improve the services they offer. In addition, the diversity that Facebook talks about does not only refer to gender or race, but also to the origin and socio-cultural level of its workers.

Facebook’s three practices to increase diversity in your template:

  • The company doesn’t just search the best universities.
  • Implementation of the Facebook University internship program. Although any student can participate, this initiative is mainly aimed at attracting candidates from population segments with little presence among Facebook employees.
  • Facebook tests the “Rooney Rule” which refers to considering at least one minority candidate for each vacancy.

3) Talent and skills

Like any other company, Facebook looks for the talent, knowledge and skills required for each position. It has specific but flexible rules for this. The company does not close the door to candidates who do not have an endless list of university degrees. Those who apply for a job on Facebook must demonstrate that they have the skills and knowledge required, as well as the commitment, the resolute capacity and the push to get projects going.

To show the example of Evan Priestley, one of Facebook’s most recognized engineers and who worked with the company from 2007 to 2011. Priestley’s academic record wasn’t impressive. He moved three times to college until he dropped out and started working as a low-flying web designer for a small business. One day Facebook posted a programming puzzle on the Internet and Priestley came up with a solution that dazzled the Internet giant who hired him impressed by his skills. This engineer led a team of programmers responsible for the important improvements that have allowed the social network to implement games, maps and other applications more easily.

4) Value talent and innovation

The millionaire purchase of WhatsApp, Instagram and Oculus have been the most talked about acquisitions of Facebook, but the reality is that the Internet giant carries out a small company purchasing policy , Dedicated mostly to mobile devices, which is the market where Facebook seeks to grow.

These are developing companies, many with no more than three years of life and small staff. These professional groups are often transferred to Facebook headquarters and integrated within the different departments according to their specialties.

5) Ninja Hunt

Ninja Hunt is a method of Facebook that allows its recruiters to easily increase the database of extraordinary talent. Is based on informal recruiter meetings with a group of employees to review their contacts and locate good candidates. Facebook calls this system the search for the next generation of technological ninjas.

This practice is known in the technology industry under different names and allows to develop a very good list of highly qualified professionals who are also validated by current employeesto be hired.

6) How does Facebook interview its candidates?

Each candidate passes between 4 and 5 interviews that will serve to analyze their talent, skills and fit in the company.
  • Phase 1 – Telephone interview: The recruiter evaluates the candidate’s professional experience and passion for the company.
  • Second phase – Technical interview by telephone: The interviewer is a person who works in the position to which the applicant applies. In this way the person in charge of evaluating the skills for the position knows the requirements perfectly. Facebook employees who conduct these interviews are previously thoroughly trained to know what to look for in candidates.
  • Third phase – Visit to one of the Facebook sites: In this phase Facebook organizes a tour to the candidates that includes a demo with the virtual reality glasses Oculus. The goal is to release the candidate’s tension to help him relax and show himself as he is.
  • Phase 4 – Interviews to assess the ability to perform the work: For example, an engineer will go through a coding interview, where an employee will evaluate their speed and efficiency in writing code on a whiteboard in response to a given situation.
All candidates must answer hypothetical questions to evaluate their response to situations that will be in the workplace. There are also questions of logic to analyze the way they think.
And you: How do you manage to attract the best candidates? Do you think you can implement these pillars in your business to improve staff selection?

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