Normally, large and medium-sized companies are aware of the importance of hiring the right talent, but recruitment in family businesses is very different.
In these businesses, the hiring of friends and relatives is frequent, placing in second place essential criteria in a good recruitment policy, such as the skills and abilities of the candidate.
Another problem we often see in family businesses is the lack of planning and structuring in the selection of personnel. Family businesses often hire on an ad hoc basis, which usually leads to poor recruitment.
Although family businesses do not usually have as many resources as large companies, this does not mean that they do not aspire to hire the best talent. It all depends on whether the organization takes care of its recruitment policy.
In these businesses, the hiring of friends and relatives is frequent, placing in second place essential criteria in a good recruitment policy, such as the skills and abilities of the candidate.
Another problem we often see in family businesses is the lack of planning and structuring in the selection of personnel. Family businesses often hire on an ad hoc basis, which usually leads to poor recruitment.
Although family businesses do not usually have as many resources as large companies, this does not mean that they do not aspire to hire the best talent. It all depends on whether the organization takes care of its recruitment policy.
1) Become aware of the impact of poor recruitment
The first requirement to improve recruitment is to be aware of the impact that having the necessary talent has for a company. It doesn’t matter if we’re talking about hiring a clerk for a family butcher or a mechanic for a workshop. In all cases, choosing the right candidate will be reflected in the productivity and efficiency of the company. On the contrary, having a professional who does not have the required skills or who does not share the company culture will have very high costs for the company.

2) Evaluate the current status of your recruitment
Before we change aspects of how we recruit, we must analyze what we currently have. So pick up paper and pencil, and go through the stages of your selection process one by one: from profiling to hiring.

3) Hire based on what you need
Never hire just out of friendship or because the family has to be helped. Before hiring, analyze in which areas of the company you need more staff and what skills they should have.
Above all, spontaneous recruitment must be avoided. For this, it is important to plan personnel needs in the medium and long term, taking into account business objectives.
Here are some steps to include in your recruitment strategy:
Above all, spontaneous recruitment must be avoided. For this, it is important to plan personnel needs in the medium and long term, taking into account business objectives.
Here are some steps to include in your recruitment strategy:
- Elaboration of the professional profile sought: the description has to be as detailed as possible.
- Define how you will evaluate candidates and what are the best recruitment channels for that vacancy.
- Write an attractive job offer capable of seducing the professional you are looking for.
- Hang the ad with the position on the selected recruitment channels.
- Do tests that allow you to screen for resumes.
- Conduct the interviews
- Make a decision based on candidate skills and fit with company culture.

4) Assesses the possibility of outsourcing selection processes
For example, the owner of a cabinet-making workshop will probably have no problem evaluating the skills of a cabinet-maker. This is his job and he knows exactly what it takes to do it. But what if you need an accountant or a social media expert?
If you don’t want to end up hiring cat-for-hare, it may be advisable to go to outside recruiters to help you locate the talent you need.
If you don’t want to end up hiring cat-for-hare, it may be advisable to go to outside recruiters to help you locate the talent you need.

5) Care for objectivity
An essential aspect in the selection of candidates is objectivity. One method that helps us not to be swayed by prejudices of race, gender or affinities, is that the interviews involve various employees of the company. This is especially important in family businesses where often the decision to hire one or the other person is made only by the owner or founder.

Do you have a family business? Have you ever hired a bad profile? Do you follow any of the tips we gave you today?
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