You’ve probably heard about the Buyer Persona from marketing professionals, but have you ever heard of the Candidate Persona?
In today’s business world, job opportunities are no longer only framed by what the company chooses, but by what the candidate is looking for. Now organizations have to work on being the Great Place To Work, and for that we have to be clear about what kind of candidate we are looking for and the best way is to build the Candidate Persona.
Has it ever happened to you that when you start a selection process you do not know where to look for the candidate, or you receive profiles that beyond technical knowledge do not connect with your organizational culture and even worse with the technical requirements?
If you had the right Candidate Persona, your selection process would be much clearer and more effective.

What is a Candidate Persona?
He is the archetype of the ideal candidate for your company, not only on a technical level but also on a cultural level. In other words, it is the profile of the person who would be the best fit for your organization.
New talent that would come in to add value not only in the work results but also in the organizational culture, that shares the company’s principles and has qualities that reflect your company’s values.
In this way, you would have to define in great detail what the ideal person would be like to join your organization, taking into consideration aspects such as their motivations, desires, hobbies, even their fears and experiences.
This concept is born from Inbound Marketing and is replicated in Inbound Recruitment. Inbound Recruitment, will become a path that will guide you in the process of finding the ideal candidate.
What good will it do you to have a Candidate Persona?
The Candidate Persona will allow you to get to know perfectly the person you want to reach. With this information, you will be able to know who you are addressing, where that person is moving, through what channels and how you have to talk to them.
Having a good candidate persona will allow you to:
- Improve your selection processYou will be able to know where to look for your candidate because you know what kind of channels he/she uses to search for new opportunities. You will also be able to make a description of the offer focused on your profile, so that the applications you receive will match a high percentage of what you are looking for.
- Be more efficientYou and your team will save the time usually wasted in reviewing applications that do not match what you need, and you will be able to unify criteria making the process more agile.
- Improve the value proposition to the candidate: by knowing what this person expects, believes and is looking for in his or her professional future, you will be able to offer him or her the incentives that really interest him or her.
- Strengthen the organizational cultureWith the Candidate Persona, the new talent coming into the organization will have skills that fit very well with the corporate culture and enrich it.
How to create it?
1. Ask and investigate
We need to have quality information about what our ideal candidate will be like, so it is not enough to guess, we must ask the people with whom this new talent will work, their bosses, colleagues and even people with similar positions in other organizations.
This way we will have relevant information that will allow our Candidate Persona to be much more real. We share with you some questions :
- What do you like most about working in this organization?
- What motivates you every day to come to work?
- What do you value most in your work team?
- What are your professional goals and dreams?
- What are your hobbies?
- Why would you recommend working for this organization?
2. Analyzes and extracts patterns
With the information you gathered in the previous step, you will now be able to classify the answers and find the most repeated data, thus creating patterns and finally discovering trends on the main topics you are investigating.
These trends will help you define the behaviors of your Candidate Persona.
3. Bring the Candidate Persona to life
With the information and trends clear, it’s time to create a story that describes your Candidate Persona.
Keep in mind that you must include not only their profile, but also their name, age, studies, years of experience, objectives, motivations, hobbies, among others.
Additionally, you can create a Negative Candidate Persona to know what you are definitely not looking for in your organization, this would also be a great guide for the recruiting team.
This is how having a Candidate Persona will save your recruitment team a lot of time and work, allowing you to reach the ideal candidate to fill the positions you require much sooner.
Go ahead and try it, it will be a great help for sure!
And you, have you already used the Candidate Persona model?
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