
Best practices for employee retention

Best practices for employee retention

Employee turnover is present in all organizations, so today we want to explain what companies that manage to retain their team do well.

The workers come and go and that has a very high cost for any organization. Cost is not just measured in money, you also have to consider the time and effort to find and train another person.

Today we give you some tips that will help you get every member of your team to stay in your business for a long time.

1. Hire the right people

To avoid rotation in the future it is important to focus on the first step: recruitment. You must make an effective selection and conduct tests based on the assessment of the competencies and behaviors that candidates will need to put into practice in the day to day of your business.

In addition, it is very important that the candidate you hire not only fits perfectly at the level of skills, but also in the values and culture of your company. If people do not fit into the work environment, they will not be happy or motivated and will leave at first.

2. Convey transparency

Transparency is crucial for any relationship to thrive in the long run, for collaborators to stay with you and for a healthy organization in general.

Transparency in the management of your business will help employees collaborate effectively with each other and influence their happiness. A happy worker stays!

3. Offer flexibility

Flexible working hours or teleworking allow employees to adjust their time and workplace to their needs and thus enable working life and staff.

When people can live their lives beyond work, they are more satisfied and motivated in working hours.

4. Encourage gratitude

Building social skills in your employees helps them connect better with each other, and what better way to do that than through expressions of gratitude? Their relationships will be healthier, they will feel happier and they will be more attentive to the good behavior of their colleagues.

Still, it’s important to keep in mind that it’s very difficult to finish with 100% rotation. Currently, with the retirement of boomers and the entry into the labor market of millennials and centennials, turnover rates will increase. You need to know and learn about the concept of Job Jumpers to understand why staff turnover will worsen.

If you want to know more about these generations I recommend you read our post The Centennials.

And you: What do you do to avoid employee turnover in your business? How do you manage to retain talent?

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