Organizations are constantly searching for profiles specializing in information technology and digital marketing that are often not easy to find given the mistakes made in the selection process.
It requires professionals with the ability to connect communities around the world with innovative ideas and make possible in the online universe what may be unthinkable in the offline world. Companies are looking for candidates to take her out of the arena with their ideas and performance, and the world is full of these candidates, but why is it so difficult to find them?
In this blog we will tell you the most common mistakes when it comes to attracting and connecting with IT and digital marketing talent.
What can you do better?
Keep in mind that these candidates also become company publics and deserve to be treated as a customer. Keep in mind that you need to attract the best talent from an ocean of job openings that look just like you. That being the case, the mission of recruiting the best talent will not be an easy task, precisely for this reason many organizations decide to outsource this process.
But let’s focus on what needs to be considered based on the experience of IT and digital marketing candidates in their recruitment processes.
1. Long selection processes
They are those slow processes, with many phases that seem to make no sense and that even have a very long response time. In addition, they lack empathy with the candidate, have no feedback on their performance and the candidate does not understand what is going on or in what phase.

2. Lack of knowledge of recruiting team technology
We understand that we live in a time of constant technological advancement where it will be difficult for the selection team of the company to be always updated on the tech developments without appearing to talk about obsolete things. Still it is vital that recruiters understand the profiles they are looking for without this knowledge the end result will not be the desired, if you do not understand what you are looking for you will never find it.
Now, it can also be the opposite case, that the candidate does not know of a new update of certain technological development, well, there should be seen the ability of the recruiter to evaluate the previous experience of the candidate and his ability to learn new things, Handle similar technologies as well as their soft skills. Again it takes a person who knows and understands the profile to find a rough diamond.

3. Unattractive or boring tests
If the candidate encounters tedious tests, he would have little interest in solving them or in doing so consciously. For this reason, if you are looking for innovation, creativity, problem solving skills, etc., you should also create original tests that instead of an exam become a challenge for the candidate and allow you to see the skills you are looking for.

4. Endless trials
No end is good, nor can you exaggerate with the originality and challenges you place, Remember that candidates also have a life and will surely be applying to various employment options so if your test takes hours to develop you will probably lose very interesting candidates.

5. Non-existent or generic feedback
I don’t remember you! So many selection processes end; in the worst case they do not tell you what has happened and many times the best you will have is a simple ‘Thank you for participating in this opportunity you will not continue in the process’. This is a very common shortcoming and is that candidates highly value knowing the reasons why they were rejected, plus it’s simple courtesy with a person who invested time and knowledge in your selection process.
Remember that the world goes round and you do not know when you will meet these people again, so if you do not do it out of courtesy do it to take care of the image and reputation of your organization. Encourage yourself to give a good feedback, it does not have to be long only concrete and of value for the candidate.

The safest way to have an ideal candidate is to perform a good recruitment process, so you have to have time to prepare and follow the process properly and have the knowledge required to guide you in the best way.
A good option if you don’t have the time or equipment with specific IT knowledge is to outsource, remember: time is money.
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