The current world situation has given a turn to the way of working and therefore to the selection processes in organizations.
Now remote work is part of the day-to-day life of most companies in almost all sectors and there technology is being an indispensable tool for the operation of companies.
We have lived several months of adaptation to these new patterns and ways of working in which the digital world brings news for all areas, including Human Resources.
We invite you to know some trends in this year to optimize the selection processes in organizations.
1. Inbound Recruiting
Once again Human Resources take from the area of Marketing concepts such as Inbound Marketing which in this case is recognized as Inbound Recruiting. In short, the actions of the organization to fall in love with the candidates it seeks to attract.
We no longer think of staff selection as a one-way process where organizations publish their job offers and candidates arrive alone No! Now we have to go out and look for them and it becomes a two-way communication process.
Inbound Recruiting is clear that candidates need to feel represented by the brands they apply to. In this way, companies should work on their Employer Branding to seduce and attract the best talent.2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Selection Processes
Selection processes represent a great workload and time for HR technicians, and that is why AI intends to break into them to facilitate and automate some of the work. In this sense, we find tools such as:
- Interviews made directly by Chatbots that, through open questions or with predetermined answers, evaluate the candidate, redirect him to the right position for him or discard him.
- Interviews made directly by Chatbots that, through open questions or with predetermined answers, evaluate the candidate, redirect him to the right position for him or discard him. In addition, other factors such as the company’s recruitment history, its digital personality and even that of the candidates themselves are also taken into account.
- Solutions like TalentFY, which has a network of recruiters that, through scoring software, in less than 10 days puts at your disposal the best candidates for the position you need to cover. You just have to pick the best of them.
3. Gamification of Selection Processes
Since we were born one of the activities that we enjoy most is playing.
This is why techniques such as Gamification help to improve selection processes and reduce the tension that can be generated, with more precise results.
Those responsible for the selection of candidates will be able to measure the potential and capabilities of the applicants by resorting to imaginaries that allow them to see their reaction in different situations.
Here creativity comes out and we can see examples such as games with challenges, rewards, points, levels, gifts, among others.

4. Remote recruitment
Although the barrier of fear of this type of recruitment has already broken down, it remains a challenge for organizations to have sufficient tools to manage selection processes digitally.
Also social networks or social recruiting will be a big trend in this year, remember that when we form the Candidate PersonaWe must be clear where our candidates are looking for jobs, and surely a large percentage will do so in RRSS.
It must also be seen that this type of recruitment will make the range of candidates greater which will enrich your selection process.
5. CRM, Candidate Relationship Management
Increasingly strengthening the relationship with our Candidate Person is more important, just as CRM in Marketing seeks to strengthen the relationship with customers in the selection processes we focus on connecting with the new talent we seek.
Managing relationships with candidates will allow our company to stand out among the hundreds of offers that applicants have, we will strengthen the employer branding and we will have the opportunity to meet the best talent.
Additionally this will give the future employee a clearer vision of the organizational culture which will allow him to easily get involved in the work team.

We have spent two years in which both companies and employees have had to adapt to working remotely. The coming months will see the consolidation of online selection processes, work from anywhere in the world and hybrid interactions.
The truth is that technology and management of experiences with the organization are transforming the selection processes in companies.
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