If you are looking for new profiles for your team, you will certainly have stumbled upon recruitment 4.0, but specifically what does it consist of?
Well, recruitment 4.0 is the technique with which organizations seek professional profiles through tools and technological platforms.
Today it seems very common, but it has not always been so. Remember when job offers were in the papers? That was the main means of finding work.
Then the world got to know the Internet and with it platforms and social networks were developed where organizations can upload their job offers.
Despite the great technological development of recruitment 4.0, it remains difficult to find specialized profiles that are not active on social networks or job platforms.
In this way, a short circuit is created, as companies fail to reach the candidates they really need.
That’s why, in TalentFY we specialize in recruiting digital talent. Our platform, through AI, chooses the best recruiters who according to their specialty find ideal candidates in less than 10 days.
In this post we tell you the main advantages of recruitment 4.0, and some of its disadvantages, which you can solve with TalentFY.
Pros of recruitment 4.0
The pandemic led organizations to optimize their human resources processes. According to Observatorio de RRHH, 90% of companies surveyed in Spain have active digital transformation processes.
Within these processes is the selection of personnel.So let’s look at some of the main advantages of recruitment 4.0.
Saving time with recruitment 4.0
Technology makes finding talent easier and much faster. Still, for time savings to be meaningful it is important to know how to connect with ideal talents.
It is not enough to publish job offers on job portals and networks, it is necessary to have a knowledge about the position sought and the sector.
The mix of technology, market knowledge, a good job description and contacts with professionals in the sector will save you a lot of time and money when recruiting 4.0.
Expansion of the number of candidates
Having the possibility to publish job offers thanks to recruitment 4.0 will make organizations have access to a greater number of professional profiles.
However, it also opens the door to dozens of candidates who do not meet the requirements, generating a labor attrition for the HR team.
This is why having a specialized team in the sector of profiles that are sought will streamline the process as a preliminary screening of candidates will be done.
New tools for evaluating profiles
Recruitment 4.0 allows the use of different tools to make technical and behavioral tests to the professionals presented.
Many of these tests can be performed remotely, making the process faster and easier for both the organization and the candidates.

Cons of recruitment 4.0
Although 4.0 recruitment has many advantages there are some points that need to be taken care of and taken into account to have the desired result.
Failures in the selection process
Theselection processeshave different stages that must be planned in great detail.
For example, creating thejob description and thecandidate personais essential to understand what you are looking for.
Unfortunately, this is one of the main mistakes companies make when looking for talent with recruitment 4.0.
This happens for several reasons, including carelessness, lack of knowledge about how to make a good recruitment notice or lack of time.
Faced with this situation, TalentFY has a team of HR advisors who accompany companies at all stages of the selection process.
Profiles that do not match
With recruitment 4.0 you can run the risk that when working with the chosen candidate this is not what the company imagined.
For such situations, TalentFY offers companies a 3-month guarantee in case the candidate does not agree with the job description submitted.
Elimination of applications
If recruiters or the HR team rely solely on social media, they may miss the opportunity to meet great profiles.
This happens when seeing the candidates’ social networks, the company dismisses them for some publication that does not match the interest of the company.
Although these types of filters are very valid, with the guidance of an expert in the sector you can reach more specialized candidates, as well as clarify such incidents with candidates.
In this way, 4.0 recruitment has great advantages that can be used by companies for their selection processes.
And the disadvantages if they are mediated by a team of experts will lead the organization to meet excellent professionals.
In conclusion, the sum of the recruitment 4.0 with the guide of recruitment experts will make your company have the best profiles.
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