The immersion of society in the online world has created the need for companies to have digital profiles, professionals who manage and create projects in the digital world.
A few years ago, positions such as Back End, QA Engineer, Full Stack Python, among others, were reserved for very specific sectors. It’s not like that anymore.
Companies have started a migration of processes and business models to the online world that requires digital profiles.
Surely, in a few years we will have new positions that we do not know today, because these profiles evolve according to the advances of technology.
In this blog we invite you to know the digital profiles that companies are looking for and that although often we are easy to find, they are the most demanded.
At TalentFY we specialize in digital profile recruiting, a process that requires a different level of specialization from the selection processes of other professional areas.
Main digital profiles requested by companies
While the profiles companies look for depend on their needs, there are some that are the basis of all sectors and therefore become the most demanded.
Back End Developer
Back-end Developers are profiles that are responsible for managing and developing the logical structure that allows all the processes of the web to work correctly.
Within this profile there are specialties in: Java Script, PHP, Node.JS, NET, Ruby, Phyton and C/C++.
Thus, depending on the needs of the company, you can search for specialized profiles in different technological languages.
Front End Developer
A Front End Developer is responsible for ensuring that the website is well developed in the eyes of the user, that it is attractive, navigable and that it offers a good experience.
To accomplish this mission, the front end profile must manage page layout through codes such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Some of the technological languages in which this profile specializes are: JavaScript (JS) + HTML5 + CSS3 and jQuery, Angular, Typescript, React (Redux) and Vue JS
This profile will have on its shoulders the responsibility that the user interacts easily with all the contents of the web.
Data Analyst
Today, data is one of the most valuable sources of information for companies, because through them it is possible to know consumers better.
Data Analyst profiles are responsible for finding, processing and classifying the data of the different stakeholders of the organizations.
In turn, they are able to read and analyze information to find strategies that allow companies to meet their objectives.
Additionally, the Data Analyst profile is one of the positions that has increased its salary range as evidenced by our IT Salary Guide.

Digital profile specialized in SEO
The professional SEO is responsible for improving and optimizing the positioning of the company in the main search engines, such as Google or Bing, the first being the best known and used worldwide.
For this, this profile should develop a strategy that allows adjusting the website and company content to the standards of web search engines.
Among the knowledge that a professional in this area should have are, the development and analysis of keywords, the management of web architecture or link-building, among others.
Digital profile specialized in SEM
The role of the SEM specialist is to manage the digital marketing strategy that, through paid campaigns, will improve the visibility of the company and the conversion of customers.
In this way, you will work with keywords that will try to direct traffic to the company’s website, as well as launch ads on the network platforms search and display.
Professionals in this area work day by day with budget, so they must have very clear the best way to invest it according to the platforms of announcements and needs of the company.
If you are interested in knowing more profiles of the digital world you can check our blog aboutIT profiles or digital marketing profiles.
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