The best way to ensure the selection of qualified managers is to consider candidates from a company like TalentFY, which can take care of the manager selection process for you.
We know that having a good management team will ensure that all the projects proposed by the organization reach a successful conclusion.
For this reason, companies look for different characteristics in managers that are often not easy to find.
It is in this case when recruitment companies like TalentFY have all the knowledge to connect companies with the best executive profiles.
In this publication we tell you some characteristics to take into account in your next selection of managers.
Characteristics of executives selection
The selection of executives is a process that must be planned in great detail. here are some characteristics to take into account:
- Years of experience are not as important as they used to be. Many board members are carried away by appearances.
- Likewise, age can be an impediment to change. For example, Frank D’Souza became CEO of Cognizant at the age of 38.
- Managers who have experience with a diverse group of executives should be carefully selected.
- Leadership skills are fundamental to this role and are connected to the candidate’s capacity for empathy, resilience and pressure management.
- The command of a second language is nowadays a fundamental requirement that, depending on the sector, may be valued differently.
Tips for executives selection
There are different requirements for the selection of executives. In general, each type of company requires a different manager profile. However, all companies must select managers with high integrity, interest and commitment.
Learn some tips that can help you in your next executive selection process:
- Be sure to carefully screen potential directors of a company.
- Avoid selecting family or friends.
- Check references and background.
- Also, avoid appointing people who have a conflict of interest.
- Listed companies should consider the composition of their board and select qualified candidates according to their specific needs.
- The board must be committed to diversity. Although there are no age restrictions, diversity of experience and expertise should be a priority when appointing directors.
- It is imperative to ensure that the Board is made up of a diverse range of people who can provide valuable insight. This is a point to be taken into account in the selection of managers.
- A diverse board can foster greater diversity in decision making and promote better decision making.
What does an executive search company do?
The executive recruiter must evaluate candidates based on their skills, background, nationality, age, gender and experience.
Although reference checking is important, the best managers are usually able to gather this information on their own.
While headhunters can provide useful background information, they will also be responsible for asking managers about their experience and background.
It should also be noted that people tend to be more honest with executive headhunters. This means that you will be able to get a real idea of the strength of their convictions.
This last aspect is one of the reasons why hiring an executive recruitment company is the best option to reach the ideal profiles.
At TalentFY in less than 10 days we present the best candidates thanks to our platform and network of recruiters.
Remember that managers are the foundation of the entire organization, so carrying out the selection process with the help of recruiting professionals will be a sure step towards the success of your company.
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