
Headhunters Valencia

Executive headhunters in Valencia

Hiring headhunters in Valencia is a good way to alleviate some of the concerns you may have about the hiring process, as you can trust their selections.

According to the latest Economically Active Population Survey (EPA), the Valencian Community has an employment rate of 50.66% of which 76.25% are professionals between the ages of 25 and 54, the age range where management positions are found.

In turn, according to our IT Salary Guide (in Spanish), CTOs in the tech sector have a base salary range in Valencia of 40,000 euros per year, which varies according to experience.

Thus, finding professionals with a managerial profile in Valencia is a process that requires planning and experience.

These characteristics can be encompassed by recruiting professionals such as headhunters who know where to find the ideal candidates.

In this publication we tell you some characteristics and tips to take into account when hiring headhunters in Valencia.

headhunters en valencia

Tips for recruiting headhunters in Valencia

Hiring managers is undoubtedly a great responsibility for Human Resources teams as these positions will lead the company’s projects.

This is why having a team of specialists as headhunters in Valencia, will be of great support to find the best professionals.

We invite you to read some tips that you can put into action during this process.

Ask for references of headhunters in Valencia

Before hiring a headhunter in Valencia, ask to see some references. A reputable company will not hesitate to provide references. If they don’t, be wary! It is a red flag.

At TalentFY we are 100% transparent with our clients, as well as with the candidates we will find for your company.

During the whole process you will have an HR advisor with you who will help you to solve any doubt or requirement.

Get to know the payment method

Headhunters in Valencia usually work on a contingency basis, which means that they only get paid when they place the right candidate.

TalentFY also works successfully and during the talent search our platform will offer you discounts for carrying out the whole process in an agile way.

Be clear about the selection process

Many headhunters rely on personal connections and networking to find their candidates, i.e. profiles already known to them that they know may be ideal for a job.

Some headhunters in Valencia cold call to find talented candidates. This is one of the most difficult ways but with the recruiter’s experience it can give good results.

Others email talent they find on networking sites such as LinkedIn and job boards.

In conclusion, if you are looking for a specific managerial profile, having the support of headhunters in Valencia will be a very good opportunity.

Keep in mind that hiring a headhunter comes at a cost, but it’s also a great way to eliminate the time-consuming process of searching for the right candidate yourself.

Researching and interviewing potential employees can take several days, and hiring a headhunter in Valencia can significantly reduce turnover costs for an entire team as well as time.

At TalentFY we find your ideal candidate in less than 10 days, thanks to the fact that our platform selects the best headhunters in Valencia to present you with the ideal profiles.

If you want to avoid having to search through hundreds of resumes, consider hiring a headhunter. The costs involved may be worth it in the long run.

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