- Active candidates: Are those who are looking for job offers and selection processes. Within this group we find unemployed people; as well as dissatisfied employees in their current positions, or simply seeking greater incentives.
- Passive candidates: They are those who are not looking for work, but that a good proposal can convince them to change jobs. They usually do not make efforts to track job offers because they are already working, and are satisfied in their respective workplaces.

What makes them so special?
A study conducted by LinkedIn in 2011 gives us some clues. This research concludes that passive candidates have the following characteristics compared to assets:
- They are 120% more likely to want to make an impact on the company.
- With a 33% higher probability they want a challenging job.
- They are 56% more likely to want a corporate culture that fits their personality.
- They are 17% less likely to need skills development training and 21% less likely to seek recognition.

How to attract passive candidates?
In addition, the contact phase is highly sensitive since seducing passive candidates is more difficult than engaging active candidates. Sourcing and persuasion techniques are needed, which only good recruiters know how to apply.
People, although satisfied at the professional level, remain open to opportunities that represent an improvement over their current employment. So what is the best solution to overcome setbacks in attracting passive candidates?
The most recurrent solution and offering greater guarantees is to outsource selection processes, making use of highly specialized recruiters. They, through their extensive contact networks, have immediate access to high quality passive candidates.
It is for this reason that TalentFY works with an extensive network of resources specialized in finding IT candidates, thanks to them and their experience in working complicated positions we can guarantee that 67% of the candidates submitted arrive at the interview phase.

In short, focusing on recruiting passive candidates often involves a large investment of time, especially without the help of external consultants. However, when done properly, the investment is totally worth the effort as it results in better hires.
And you, do you focus your attention on passive candidates? What do you do to contact them?
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