
Commitment vs Motivation

Commitment vs Motivation

Most people management experts stress the importance of a highly motivated team. We cannot agree more. A team whose members are motivated is more likely to act successfully, whatever their mission.

This “motivation” to which we refer is closely related to another relevant concept in people management: organizational commitment. In fact, very often it is spoken of as a motivated or engaged employee interchangeably. We don’t realize that although they may be very similar ideas, they are not really the same.

What is commitment?

Commitment within a business/ work is a capacity that all people have to know the importance of meeting business growth within the period you are working. The task to be performed must be accepted with professionalism, responsibility and loyalty, the employee must give his best effort to obtain a product with a high standard of quality that pleases and exceeds the perspective of users.

To learn more about the types of organizational commitment that exist, I invite you to read our article Organizational commitment: essential for the success of your business.

What is motivation?

Motivation is an internal state that activates, directs and maintains the person’s behavior towards certain goals or ends; it is the impulse that moves the person to perform certain actions and persist in them for their culmination.

If you want to know more about motivation and how to motivate your employees, I invite you to read the following articles:

What distinguishes commitment from motivation?

A person committed to your company or organization wants to maintain the professional relationship with it and identifies with its objectives. Such a state of mind, when present, is relatively constant over time.

On the contrary, a worker who is only motivated – not engaged – is responding to an eventual stimulus. Once the stimulus disappears, so does the motivation. However, while motivated, the employee wants to remain connected to the organization and, in many cases, also identifies with its goals.

An exceptionally positive context in the personal sphere (family, friends…) or being involved in a task at work that generates illusion are examples of stimuli that are usually motivating within the work environment. But, these conditions are volatile; in a short time the stimulus can fade and, with it, the impulse to perform certain actions.

On the contrary, it is very rare for a person to lose their organizational commitment in the short term. This is because the reasons that lead her to be committed to the organization are much more rooted in the person.

Thus, a worker who is committed dedicates the best of himself to a project, task or responsibility; even when the environment is not the most favorable. He feels himself an active member of the project to which he belongs and of the company, even if he eventually suffers, for example, from an unsatisfactory workload or remuneration.

In short, motivation is undoubtedly a very beneficial factor in a team’s short-term results. Even so, companies should aim for a higher level of commitment as the ultimate goal: it is the decisive element in long-term results.

And you? Do you know if your employees are motivated and/or engaged? How do you distinguish these states?

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