
How to make your job offer attractive

How to make attractive your job offer

It would be great if when launching our job offer only those people who are more able to add value to the company, right? The money, time and energy that would be saved by staff selection managers in screening candidates that do not fit the needs of the company.

The truth is that it is possible to eliminate much of that spending money. Below, we give you suggestions to improve your job offers and, thus, get the best candidates.

1) Look for inspiration in other descriptions

Before writing your offer, why not examine descriptions of other companies for positions similar to the one you’re trying to cover? Surely you will find some with details that will help you improve and make your own offers more attractive.

Don’t overdo it, though. Remember that the uniqueness of your job description is often what makes people want to join your company, not others. Never cut and paste directly from outside offers.

2) Write a well-defined title

The title of the offer is decisive for our ideal candidate to decide to read, or not, the full description. Through this we have to get your interest and make absolutely clear what we are offering. In short: the title must be concrete and, if possible, attractive.

Another aspect you should keep in mind is that most online job searches are made from keywords. Therefore, in order to find our ad, it is very important that these keywords appear in the title.

3) Make the offer easy to read

Most people instead of carefully reading offers, at first they only do a quick scan. If this first glance is satisfactory, then they perform an in-depth reading. Consequently, a difficult description to interpret can make you lose good candidates.

In order to facilitate easy scanning:
  • Use short, simple sentences.
  • Use a good line spacing
  • Separate sections with descriptive headings.
  • Structure information into lists with enumeration points.

4) Adapt your message to the profile you are looking for

Pay attention to what your ideal candidate craves and what expressions he uses. If you can communicate with a message and language close to the person you are addressing, you will generate greater empathy. A good way to tailor the message is to ask for suggestions from people with a profile similar to the one you’re looking for: they usually know their needs and preferences better than anyone else.

To know what characterizes your ideal candidate, it is best to create his profile; if you want to know how to do it I invite you to read our article Step by step: create the profile of your ideal candidate.

5) Describe what it takes to work in your company

The best job descriptions allow candidates to get a fairly accurate idea of what they will be in the company. Helping them to self-select in the offer is very important. If you succeed, all parties involved will save an enormous amount of time and energy.

A good method to facilitate the perception of what a normal day will be like is to present the activities to be performed along with an estimate of the time that the employee will devote to each task during their working day.

Also, the hallmark of a successful job advertisement is that it generates a feeling of wanting to join the company. To achieve this effect it is advisable to promote the brand of the company, giving examples of things that happen day by day and that people value more.
What do you think makes your job offers attractive? Why do candidates want to work in your business?

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