
8 reasons to quit your job

8 reasons to quit your job. Don’t let it happen to you!

Work represents a third of our daily lives, and sometimes even more! It would be an exaggeration to say that we spend a third of our lives working because we have weekends and holidays, but we don’t go too far away to say it… That’s why it’s so important to work on what you love, what you like and what motivates you. And, if you don’t get it, at least it’s important that you feel comfortable in the company and with your colleagues. Otherwise, you may end up finding good reasons to quit, and that’s never pleasant.

Just as it is not pleasant for the employee, it is not pleasant for the company to lose talent. Bad environment, poor communication or not knowing how to meet the ambitions of employees are some of the reasons to leave the job that we could consider more common.

Right down here we leave you a list of 8 reasons to leave work. There are 8 reasons that we have considered relevant, but not the only ones, far from it. It should be noted that we have not added economic reasons, but have decided to focus on more motivational, emotional or conciliation aspects.

8 reasons to leave work

  1. I don’t like or motivate my work. It is true that there are jobs that can be expected to be temporary, which are given by circumstantial necessity or even by own contract. But, for a job that is supposed to be long-lasting, you have to take into account a number of aspects. One of the most important is that, both for the company and for the worker, the roles and responsibilities of the post must be very clear (and must obviously be fulfilled). A job is not something that should be sold to the candidate, but something that should be explained in detail. If that company-employee relationship isn’t clear from the start, things can go wrong sooner rather than later.
  2. I can’t stand my boss. It’s sad, but this is a very common reason even today. A boss, a leader, should know that a team is not something that should be adapted to their needs, but quite the opposite. If you want to make the most of your team, adapt to what they need, inspire them, understand them and motivate them according to their aspirations. Only then will you get a faithful, grateful and committed team. Otherwise, you will have provided a reason to leave the job to your entire team. In addition, as a company, it would be important to be aware of interpersonal relationships, as well as the opinion of employees regarding their bosses as anonymously as possible.
  3. Bad atmosphere, bad companionship. The toxic environment is not only for the employee who suffers it, but also for the company. It is so harmful to employee health that it directly influences the productivity of an entire team, department or organization. If behaviors or toxic environments are detected in a company, it is necessary to treat it and cut it at the root, taking the right decisions or actions (teambuilding activities, coaching, recreational activities in the office…) before reaching more drastic measures.
  1. I don’t learn, they don’t offer training. This is one of the motivational aspects that can influence an employee’s decisions. And is that, note that you are not learning anything new, can be a critical point in your job aspirations. It never hurts, on the part of the company, to offer training that keeps the employee alive, with ambition, expectations for the future and hopes of internal promotion thanks to this new knowledge. And not only that, but you’ll also get a grateful team.
  2. The position is too small. There are jobs to which you conform and get used so well, that there comes a time when you do it perfectly, without effort or any encouragement. At that point, the body asks for more work, new responsibilities. Otherwise, you’ll be bored. And that’s one of the big reasons to quit. Especially if you see that possible new responsibilities that could fall on you, they delegate them to other people or to new additions. From here, a message to the bosses: trust your team!
  1. I don’t feel fulfilled. Although very similar to the previous point, this is not so much related to the fact that the job is small for the worker, but with an ambitious and restless mentality of it. It’s not about workload, but responsibility, impact… the feeling that their work is important and has a real impact on the environment that is proposed. Avoiding this type of leave is complicated, but not impossible if you have a great knowledge of the ambitions and concerns of your staff members.
  2. There is no communication. When a worker goes to work routinely and without knowing what he is contributing to the company, it is a bad sign. Insufficient or non-existent communication is synonymous with neglect or disregard for the staff. If you do not want to be one of the reasons to leave your employees, interact with them, implement them in your goals, tell them the results, what they are helping the company and make them participate in the achievements.
  3. I don’t have time for anything. We finish the article as we started. If work is a third of our day, shouldn’t we still have two parts to enjoy? A huge workload, the need to work overtime continuously, having to take work home, a long journey from home to work… There can be many reasons why you run out of time to enjoy your personal life, and the company must be attentive to such situations to offer solutions before this becomes a reason to leave work. Offering the possibility of working from home, distributing responsibilities or hiring new colleagues to free you from that workload would surely be a detail that would not only avoid a drastic decision, but also appreciate.
Do you think we missed a reason? Have you been through this? What solutions would you propose? We are listening!

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