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Discover the benefits of recruiting

Discover the benefits of recruiting and staff selection

Evolution and growth are fixed objectives in organizations, something that requires hiring new talent, today we tell you the benefits of recruiting and staff selection Most large companies start with an idea, limited resources and a team of two or three people who with vision and perseverance manage to innovate in the market. But what would these entrepreneurs be without a good team: surely nothing. And even better, how do they manage to have the best team? With a good draft. Now, how do we know you have a successful selection process? , very easy, if the chosen person fits perfectly into the position and the company, you have succeeded! That’s why, in this article we want to invite you to discover the benefits of recruiting and selecting suitable staff. 3 benefits of recruiting and staff selection The benefits of a good staff selection can be many, but we group the general ideas to present the three most relevant. Find qualified talent for your team at first To reach the best talent it is necessary to take care of the planning and development of the selection process. Among the main points to consider in the staff selection process are: The profile you are looking for: a clear and detailed Job Description will let you know who to look for. Planning the map of the candidate’s journey: structure each of the moments that the candidates will live. This is very important to improve your employer branding. Managing digital tools: There are endless technologies that can help make the process faster and more effective. With these points it will be easier to reach the best talents at the first opportunity, without having to repeat the process. Optimize time and resources By finding ideal profiles through the development of a good selection process, the organization saves time and resources. This is because a good professional will achieve the desired objectives and adapt better to the corporate culture. Depending on the sector there are profiles that are harder to find. In that case it is advisable to consider the advice of recruiting experts to achieve candidates that meet all the necessary requirements for the company. Improve the Employer Branding As we have said in other publications, Employer Branding are the perceptions that the company awakens as an ideal place to work. At present this concept is very important to attract the best qualified staff, who usually have several job offers to choose from. Thus, a good selection of staff shows that the organization is a great place to work, thus attracting more talent. It is very important that the employer branding is worked from within, that is, that all the expectations sown in the candidates are real and fulfilled. For example, if an organization tells candidates that it has a flexible schedule and when it starts working it realizes that it does not, it will be counterproductive for the team, because they have simply been lied to. In conclusion, the benefits of recruiting and staff selection can be very diverse, but it will certainly allow you to have great professionals, save money and improve your organizational reputation. Prueba TalentFY en acción Prueba nuestra plataforma de recruiting sin compromiso. Y si no te sirve, NO PAGAS. Sin letra pequeña. Agendar Demo Únete a nuestra News Suscríbete y recibe quincenalmente nuestros contenidos y novedades más exclusivas directamente en tu bandeja de entrada.

the most sought-after option

Working from home on the Internet, the most sought-after option

Raise your hand if you have attended virtual office meetings in pajamas. So have we! In fact, working from home over the Internet is the most sought-after option today. But, beyond the joke or the reality of attending meetings in pajamas, we tell you the advantages for the company and for workers by having this work option. Without a doubt, one of the trends that the pandemic left us was working from home. In most of the digital sectors it had to be implemented and in most it came to stay. Currently, the option of working from home is one of the most decisive requirements when changing jobs, as stated in the latest study by consultant Robert Walts: 52% of workers consider it relevant. With the containment of the pandemic, telework from home over the Internet has also changed and we went from being in home office every day to moving to a hybrid model. According to the latest report of the National Observatory of Technology and Society (ONTSI) in the last quarter of 2021 the percentage of employees who worked more than half of the days from home was 8%, while in the previous quarter it was more than 9% so the hybrid model is consolidating. This new way of working in most workers, and especially in digital profiles, is becoming as important as the salary when choosing a company.   Advantages of teleworking from home via Internet For workers Time saving Avoiding traffic jams or public transportation delays is a great relief that allows employees to better manage their personal and family time. This reduces stress and also improves punctuality, additionally translates into economic savings in this daily expense. Work autonomy Working from home makes the collaborator organize his work plan autonomously, with no one watching him. This also generates motivation and empowerment, and is based on the relationship of trust that the company creates with its workers. Increased productivity Saving time and working autonomy make working from home more comfortable and workers have greater concentration, translating into an improvement in their productivity.   For companies Cost reduction The fixed costs associated with the physical facilities of the company will be reduced. Even so, the organization you should consider financial support to make sure your team has everything you need to work from home. Reduction of absences from work With greater flexibility of time, the work will no longer be counted in how many hours the worker has covered in the office. It will move to a model of compliance with objectives and commitments with the company, so that work absences are minimized and the worker can improve the reconciliation of their family and work life. Talent diversification The possibility of having employees remotely, from anywhere in the world, enriches the multiculturalism and the professional quality of work teams. Additionally, this allows you to connect with new markets without having a physical office on the site of interest. Without a doubt, we can say that working from home on the Internet has become a trend increasingly valued and requested by workers. The saving of time and costs, the increase in the achievement of objectives, family reconciliation, autonomy and trust make this process an essential form of work for organizations. Prueba TalentFY en acción Prueba nuestra plataforma de recruiting sin compromiso. Y si no te sirve, NO PAGAS. Sin letra pequeña. Agendar Demo Únete a nuestra News Suscríbete y recibe quincenalmente nuestros contenidos y novedades más exclusivas directamente en tu bandeja de entrada.

Top 5 IT profiles

Top 5 IT profiles

Developers are the most in-demand professionals in IT profiles It is no longer a surprise that organizations invest in the digitization of their processes or in the creation of new online business lines, which require them to find profiles for their IT positions. In fact, according to the projection of ManpowerGroup these profiles will increase by 50% during this year. Likewise, the salaries of this sector are very attractive. According to our latest salary guide, the best-paid positions in the IT sector are Backend Node JS and Phyton, Frontend React-Redux and Angular and Full Stack Python + JS. While the above charges are the best payouts, we’ve looked at offers from the first quarter of 2022 to find the most demanded IT positions by organizations. A blueprint of how the IT market is moving. Developer .NET Managers of the world . NET, that is of the platform of development of open source. It has the responsibility to create solutions focused on the improvement of the organization’s software according to internal needs. They are also key profiles to support the web developments generated by the company. Backend Developer This position makes all the magic behind the scenes, is responsible for developing the structure and logic of websites and implementing it so that all actions within the web work perfectly. The person in this position also supports functions of other tech team members such as frontend, cybersecurity, mobile, among others. Frontend Developer Here are the translators of the IT world, this position is responsible for translating all the design hosted on the web into HTML, CSS and JavaScript codes so that the user can interact with the web without any problem. The person in this position must have the vision from the client to achieve adapt the web language to the customer experience. Full stack – PHP Javascript Fullstack developers are multitasking charges, which have under their responsibility various functions. Those who work with PHP Javascript are responsible for developing back-end applications as well as creating servers and databases that are a guarantee of the good functionality of web applications. Fullstack expert in voIP VoIP technology (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology allows voice calls over the network without relying on telephone signal antennas but on internet coverage. The process in general terms is the transformation of the voice message to data to pass it to another device and make it audible to the receiver. This profile is mainly responsible for the design, development and maintenance of voice solutions, additionally can help develop CRM and call center solutions for communication platforms by text, voice or video channels. This profile is mainly responsible for the design, development and maintenance of voice solutions, additionally can help develop CRM and call center solutions for communication platforms by text, voice or video channels. Try TalentFY in a Live Demo Try our recruiting platform without compromise. And if it doesn’t work for you, YOU DON’T PAY No small print. Schedule Demo Join our News Subscribe and receive our most exclusive content and news every month directly in your inbox.