
Digital Transformation


All you need to know about R&D bonuses

All you need to know about R&D bonuses

Today we are going to talk about one of the most immediate and powerful tax incentives that exist today: Social Security bonuses for research personnel. These bonuses in the contributions paid by the company to the Social Security allow a reduction of 40% in the contributions to the social security contributions for each subsidized worker. You must have been curious and want to know more. Don’t worry! In today’s article we explain everything you need to know about R&D bonuses. What are the requirements to qualify for this bonus? Unfortunately, not all workers can be rewarded in this type of incentive, but your employees must meet several conditions: To beincluded in groups 1, 2, 3 and 4and to contribute to the General Social Security System in Spain. Have a minimum of 85% of their work dedicated to R&D. Develop R&D activities as defined in Article 35 of the Corporation Tax Act. Advantages of the R&D bonus The company automatically decreases the expenditure of personnel dedicated to tasks of R&D, taking into account that turnkey developments, under order of clients and ICT projects developed to customers have rights to the bonus equally. This tax incentive is compatible with tax deductions for R&D, only in case of having the spanish “Innovative SME Seal” In other organizations that do not have this seal, both incentives may apply as long as they do not apply to the same developer staff. What is the procedure for applying this bonus? The application procedure varies mainly according to the number of persons and the duration of the bonus. As Upbizor explains, the options are the following: Up to 9 eligible workers you can apply them “internally” as long as you properly document the R&D tasks and activities carried out by each subsidized worker. 10 or more elegible workers and from the third bonus month in a current year, you must start a certification process with an entity accredited by ENAC to provide a binding reasoned report within 6 months of the fiscal year. What are the profiles of companies that best fit for this type of bonus? Industrial enterprises manufacturing capital goods. Companies dedicated to the development of software tailored to their customers. Companies with an engineering or R&D department that have personnel dedicated to developing solutions or improvements, either for their own products or processes or to obtain solutions or improvements tailored to their customers. Companies with technical staff, preferably industrial engineers, biologists, chemists, pharmacists and other types of qualifications related to science and technology. SMEs with the INNOVATIVE SME label as this bonus is also compatible with the tax deduction for R&D. Are you an Innovative SME? Find out what advantage you have with this incentive One of the great advantages of being an Innovative SME is that you do not have to choose the type of incentive associated with the worker who is engaged in R&D, that is, usually a company that does not have this seal, you have to choose whether you want to deduct yourself fiscally by a person who carries out R&D activities or to subsidise your social security contribution. This seal is a recognition given by the Spanish Ministry to those companies that opt for R&D. If you have the Innovative SME label, both incentives are fully compatible, so that, for the same worker, your company could perceive both incentives. But you will have other advantages, the main benefits that you will be able to get if you request this bonus are: Monthly savings thanks to its direct application. Reduction in operating costs thanks to lower personnel costs. Increasedcompany’s competitiveness Development of an efficient R&D savings strategy As you can see, opting for this spanish Social Security bonus for R&D can bring many economic benefits to your company. If you want to know more we recommend requesting information from companies specialized in grant issues such as UpBizor. In addition, we recommend that you watch the recording of the #TalkingAboutTalent 2 on Financing, where we talk about how to overcome the financing stages and investment rounds in a StartUp successfully. For this article we have had the collaboration of María Alejandra Vivas of the consultancy Upbizor. Tell us: Is your business dedicated to R&D? Have you ever applied for this bonus? Has it been positive for your business? Try TalentFY in a Live Demo Try our recruiting platform without compromise. And if it doesn’t work for you, YOU DON’T PAY No small print. Schedule Demo Join our News Subscribe and receive our most exclusive content and news every month directly in your inbox.

The technological languages for mobile

The technological languages for mobile

The mobile world has stopped being a novelty to become a necessity for many businesses. 95% of the population connects to the Internet through mobile, when choosing the device to stay connected, since 2017 mobile is the main tool and in 2020 is chosen by more than 60% (compared to 32% of the computer), we spend almost 5 hours a day “attached” to the mobile (up to 7.5 during confinement). It is clear, that the small device is a necessary hook for every business. In today’s post we will talk about the different technological languages for mobile and to create a mobile app. When you want to develop a mobile app, you have to choose which language to work in. First of all, it must be clear what the user will use the app for: A game (visual and interactive)? Finances (fast and simple)? Tourism and routes (geopositioning)?… and in turn, be clear what the company needs for its business model: Data? Security?… There are many parameters that must be understood before choosing the code of the app such as functionality, purpose, degree of interaction and security, etc. If you have a clear idea, you have an outline of the app at a functional level and you know the budget that accompanies the business model, we are ready to choose the technological language and start the development of the project. Main languages for mobile phones JavaScript (and all its frameworks) Java Kotlin Swift Objective-C C# (.Net) C/C+ (with Unity) Purpose of the main languages Multiplataform. In a world divided between Android and iOS, a JavaScript framework has appeared: React Native. This open source framework is used for all environments (it can support native Java and Swift code) and allows companies to dispense with the need to work in parallel with two squads of iOS and Android. This means that you only have to write a single version of your app, and it will work on iOS or Android. On the other hand, a native React programmer receives a substantially higher salary than other environments. Android environment. To develop Android apps the most used environment is Java although recently Kotlin is gaining much popularity. Kotlin is a static type language that increases productivity in development. In fewer lines of code, you get the same results. It is a modern language and still little known but that is clearly on the rise, especially since the Google Android team has recently announced that officially added support for this programming language. iOS envirnoment. The main current language for iOS is Swift. Although Objective-C was the original development language for iOS, Swift is an open source language with a very simple syntax and is also receiving great support from the iOs team (to identify errors, improve synchronization, etc.). Gaming. Everything that is gaming is usually related to C/C+ since Unity is a multiplafatorma video game engine among the most used but the most. DIY If you have a great business idea but you are short on budget, if your impetus and creativity have no limits and you prefer to lead your own project, Here’s how to learn how to program an app through the most complete and easy to learn technological languages: React Native: This framework has numerous libraries and resources and despite being based on the Java Script language its learning is not as complex as its enormous practicality as it is valid for iOS and Android. Ionic: Ionic is another JavaScript framework, just like React Native. The difference between React Native and Ionic, is that React behaves like a native app of the device and Ionic behaves like a Web but as an app. It can be useful if you already know JavaScript or Angular (web languages) and want to make a simpler app very quickly. C++. C-based, C++ offers superior performance and greater resistance to reverse engineering. All platforms support C++ coding. It has many basic templates although learning this language is not so easy. And if you are not convinced by the idea of programming in code, we present iBuild App. iBuild App uses a system of predefined templates that allow you to create complex mobile applications for both Android and iOs Try TalentFY in a Live Demo Try our recruiting platform without compromise.And if it doesn’t work for you, YOU DON’T PAY No small print. Schedule Demo Join our News Subscribe and receive our most exclusive content and news every month directly in your inbox.

The most widely used technological languages today

The most widely used technological languages today

Since the advent of the Internet, it has been innovating in the creation and propagation of new and more technological languages. In this article, we will try to summarize the main technological languages most used and why. As we have seen in previous articles as in The growth of the technology sector, the evolution of the IT sector itself is bringing innovation and improvement even in the languages and frameworks used. Since the creation of the first website with HTML, it has evolved in codes to optimize, facilitate and enhance its application in web environment. Worldwide, if you are interested in knowing which languages are most used you can check them in TIOBE index who update it every September. This index, therefore, reflects the current use of developments and does not reflect the volume of new code or the trend towards the future. To understand where we are going, the PYPL index, which measures the number of Google searches for tutorials. If you access, you can see that Python is clearly on the rise. It is for this reason that in today’s post we will talk about the main languages most used for the web in Spain and we will try to figure out why they are so used. Most commonly used languages in Spain Java. The most widely used technological language in Spain is Java. And it’s not a local issue but globally it’s also the most used language not only on the web but also in the mobile environment – although some say that the C environment has overcome it recently -. PHP. PHP is the second most used language. Although in the rest of the world it is used, its massive use in Spain is exceptional. .Net. The Microsoft environment remains vital in the web environment and especially on desktop. Currently, much of this code is still chosen for new developments using C#. Python. Python is being used increasingly thanks to its multitude of applications and clearly the trend is going to more and more. C/C++. This language is still one of the most used especially for the gaming world. Beyond applications in C that could go down, this code has born the entire iOS environment so it is widely used also in the mobile environment. The rise of Python Python is being used more and more thanks to the latest applications, it is widely used for Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, scientific research… Besides being such a versatile language, it responds very well to very voluminous and mathematically complex requests despite not being a compiled language. It is open source, has a simple syntax and its complexity comes more from the logic of the business model behind than from the language itself. It is a code that allows high scalability and powerful data management development. Despite not being among the 3 most used codes today, it has a clear upward trend and will probably continue to climb positions in terms of its use. Has a very powerful community, an excellent library support and for many is the most complete language that there is today. In addition, the Django and Flask frameworks allow easy web development. Many companies are migrating the core of their code to Python due to its high potential and many others are choosing this code as the main language for their new platform. The PHP world PHP is an open source that allows good communication between web and server. It is one of the most used languages when looking for stability and good performance. Unlike Python, PHP and Java have a multitude of frameworks and libraries to use. Here in Spain, after Java, the PHP code follows closely. There are 3 main reasons why PHP is so used in Spain: The entire WordPress and Drupal environment has generated an ecosystem of web pages made in a more agile way and by hands not so specialized in IT. WordPress is a CMS where more programmers are initiated into web programming, especially when they come from the marketing and design side. It has frameworks like Laravel, Symfony and Codeigniter. With extensive libraries and very simple to use. In Spain there is the particularity that in the initial boom of Start Ups (Privalia, Softonic, eDreams…) was one of the most used languages thus creating a “school” of programmers who have developed powerful skills. Currently, these same professionals are in CTO positions of different companies and choose for their platforms languages that they master. The Java world Since its beginnings in the mid 90’s, Java has burst in with great force. This is the most popular code among large organizations. It has a simpler learning curve than other languages. It is a robust code and being a compiled language, makes it very secure and stable. It also offers a very high level of performance with advantageous features such as memory release. It is a multi-platform language that works on virtually any device. Another positive aspect of Java is that it allows you to create applications and processes on multiple devices in a very comfortable way. It is widely used for Mobile developments, but also for IoT. And you: What technologies do you use in your business? Of the languages we have discussed, which ones do you know best? Try TalentFY in a Live Demo Try our recruiting platform without compromise.And if it doesn’t work for you, YOU DON’T PAY No small print. Schedule Demo Join our News Subscribe and receive our most exclusive content and news every month directly in your inbox.